Gedling Access Road latest updates
Media releases about the Gedling Access Road can be found on our newsroom.Construction on the Gedling Access Road began in January 2020. Since then, progress made on site has been documented in monthly drone flyovers and our regular email bulletins.
August 2021
Construction progress
One of the main areas of progress this month has been verge works, footway construction and final highway surfacing along the section which needs to open for Lambley Lane to reopen.
Motorists travelling along Lambley Lane once it reopens will travel along a 400m long section of the new GAR highway (which crosses over the old Lambley Lane). To link the two ends of Lambley Lane together, two new spur roads have been constructed which each link with the GAR.
Surfacing works have also continued on site, with progress being made in the area adjacent to the Willow Farm estate/Gedling Wood Farm.
July 2021
Construction progress
Works to lay new carriageway surfacing have continued throughout July. The areas of focus include along the new Lambley Lane northern spur road between the tie-in to existing Lambley Lane at the east/Spring Lane end and a section of the new main carriageway between the northern spur junction and Lambley Lane. Surfacing works have also taken place from the new five-arm roundabout up the new carriageway adjacent to Arnold Lane towards the new Mapperley Plains junction.
Drainage works have continued up the hill from the Burton Road junction.
Social value
This month, the GAR team has:
- delivered a careers talk on construction to around 60 students at Nottingham Academy
- provided some raised beds for Phoenix Nursery School and we are in discussion with them to support another project in the coming months.
- joined the Gedling Employment & Skills Forum and are looking to support some upcoming events.
- worked with Carlton Action Group to support a tree planting project and providing some information boards at Carlton Memorial Woods.
June 2021
Other updates in June have included:
- Utility diversion works continue at Mapperley Plains. High and low voltage electricity cables now diverted by WPD. Telecommunications cable diversion ongoing by BT
- Earthworks and drainage continued in the areas adjacent to Gedling House Woods and past Gedling Wood Farm to the area where the main cutting has previously been completed
May 2021
Habitat enhancement
The GAR has been designed with the aim of balancing the earthworks with excavated materials from cuttings used as fill to form the embankments. With approximately 500,000m3 of earthworks involved, there was the potential for a significant volume of material needing to be transported off site.
However, planning permission was secured for an area between the new highway embankment and Arnold Lane (opposite the Mapperley Golf Club course) for habitat enhancement and provision of open space through the sustainable use of material arising from the construction works. This is allowing all of the earthworks materials excavated on the site to be retained, thereby avoiding the increased carbon footprint, and adverse impact on local roads and traffic, that transporting off site would have required.
In time this area will be top soiled and planted with grassed areas, trees and shrubs.
April 2021
Roundabout construction
Works on the new four-arm roundabout at the old Gedling Colliery yard have progressed well over the last month, with kerb laying now complete and much of the surface material laid. You can see the progress from March to April in the images below.
Moving slightly north, ground levels have been brought up to level at the new five-arm roundabout which will link GAR to Arnold Lane and the future Keepmoat development. This will allow construction teams to begin placing the road construction layers.
Gedling House Woods
Construction teams have now completed the installation of 650 soil nails to support a steep slope and allow the GAR carriageway to pass through a narrow land corridor and retain as much of the existing woodland as possible.
Burton Road
Earthworks have continued in the area from the main cutting to the Burton Road junction and the ground has now been prepared to the new highway levels to allow drainage to be installed.
At the Burton Road junction, landscaping works on the verges have begun.
Mapperley Plains
At Mapperley Plains, utility service diversion works have continued along with drainage works for the new junction. The new retaining wall at the corner of the Arnold Lane junction has been completed.
Earthworks and drainage have also continued on the new embankment parallel to Arnold Lane and topsoil has been placed to one side. Fill material is being placed to the other side to raise the ground levels between Arnold Lane and GAR and create an area of habitat enhancement and provision of open space.
Lambley Lane
Slope drainage works have been completed in the main cutting east of Lambley Lane and drainage works in the highway verges continue in this area.