Applications for September 2025 places are now open for children living in Nottinghamshire. If your child turns 5 between 1 September 2025 and 31 August 2026 or you have a child in year 2 in an infant school you can apply now.
Parents have from today until Wednesday, 15 January 2025, to submit their on-time applications for their child’s first school (reception) or transfer from infant to junior or primary school.
Nottinghamshire County Council is encouraging parents to make sure they understand how school applications are considered, and whether their child would have a good chance of being offered a place at one of their preferred schools, before submitting their applications.
The easiest way to apply for a place is online at http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/admissions.
Those who apply online will receive email confirmation that the application has been received. Applying online means that parents can access their school offer on national offer day.
For the best chance of parents being offered a place they are happy with, the council strongly advises parents to list four schools and to include schools where their children would meet the higher eligibility criteria for admission.
There is no guarantee that a child who attends a school’s nursery will get a place in reception at that same school so parents must apply for a place.
If a child is in year 2 at an infant school, there is no automatic transfer to year 3 at junior or primary.
Councillor Sam Smith, Nottinghamshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) said: “Applying for your child’s first school place is a huge milestone, which is why we want to make sure parents have access to all of the information they need when making their application.
“I would encourage parents to research their preferred schools, list four preferences and submit their application on time, to give them the best chance of being offered a school they would be happy for their child to attend.
“Last year, 99% of families who applied for a school place on time were offered one of their preferred schools.
“It’s also important for families to remember that children do not automatically transfer from nursery to primary school, or from infant to junior school – they must apply for a school place.”
Nottinghamshire parents should apply through Nottinghamshire County Council, even if they wish to apply for schools in other local authority areas such as Nottingham City or Derbyshire.
Those who apply online will be able to log in to their account on National Offer Day on Wednesday, 16 April 2025, to view the outcome of their application. If parents provide an email address, the outcome will be sent by email from 8.30am on 16 April 2025. All other applications will be mailed by second class post on National Offer Day.
Applications received after the closing date are considered as late applications and will be processed once all on-time applications have been offered.
Parents can visit the council’s website www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/admissions for details about the application process, including the ‘Admissions to Schools: Guide for Parents 2025-2026’ which contains lots of useful information and advice. www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/admissions