12 July 2018
All working parents with children aged three and four are now entitled to 30 hours a week, 1,140 hours a year. By helping with childcare costs, parents are now able to consider returning to work and/or increase the hours they currently work.
It is coming up to the time of year that parents need to apply for September and the funding does help to reduce the financial burden of childcare.
Nottinghamshire also has an excellent provision of Ofsted registered childcare providers providing a lot of choice and quality childcare for parents and carers.
The Government states that people must earn at least £120 a week and that each parent must not earn £100,000 or more a year.
People could still be eligible if they or their partner is on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, are unable to work if they have a disability or caring responsibilities. Single parents can also apply.
Parents of children born before 1st September 2015 can apply anytime up to the August 31 cut-off date, but we would advise that they apply before the end of July to be sure of receiving a code in time to start the autumn term.
For more information and to find out your eligibility visit: www.childcarechoices.gov.uk. Successful applicants will then receive a code which they then take to their chosen childcare provider as soon as possible.
Funded free childcare places are available at a range of early years settings including nursery schools, day nurseries, pre-schools and childminders.
For a list of the early years settings included in the Nottinghamshire Directory of Providers, visit: www.nottshelpyourself.org.uk .
There were 15,039 applications for the extra childcare provision last academic year, with 3,634 coming in the autumn term.
Those applying late last year were unable to take up their extended hours until the following term – so please don’t delay.
Councillor Boyd Elliott is Vice-Chairman of the Children and Young People’s Committee, at Nottinghamshire County Council