School Travel Planning

School Travel Planning involves various initiatives developed by thew school management to help reduce congestion, improve air quality and target parking issues. The overall aim is to encourage more children and staff members to walk, cycle, car share, or take the bus to school.

This toolkit [Word] provides advice on what sort of initiatives are available, and practical advice on how these can be adopted.

How can residents get involved?

If you are experiencing problems, the first step is to ask the Headteacher of the school what they are doing to encourage more walking, cycling etc. to the school. Explore the initiatives they have adopted and perhaps suggest your own if you think they would work.

One of the most frustrating things about living near a school are unexpected delays outside normal busy periods. Therefore, ask the school to keep you updated on school events, such as parents’ evenings etc. They may already have a Facebook page (or similar) which you can follow for updates

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