Cherubs – Mansfield Woodhouse

My little boy started nursery in February 2020, the month before lockdown he had just turned 6 months old. Then in March 2020 the world stood still, as parents we were worried about being able to meet our obligations at work if nursery didn’t open and there was so much uncertainty at that time. However, once we had found our feet and the guidelines were set Cherubs in Woodhouse was there straight away with what they could do to support us as key workers, we also found our support system and our little ray of sunshine in Cherubs. A safe haven for our little boy to go.
There was so much uncertainty with what covid was and the staff must have been worried about such close contact with other children and what impact that could have on themselves. However not once did they show this, yes they had measures in place and they adapted but they continued to nurture my little boy and all the other children that went at that time. The management of the whole situation was incredible they made sure.
The team at Mansfield Woodhouse work closely together to ensure all children in their care make progress and engage with the EYFS curriculum.  They work closely with parents and the local community to ensure that they provide the best practice. They adapt their practice to use the most up to date approaches so that children have the best outcomes.

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