Part 4: The Nottinghamshire Plan 2021-2031

The Nottinghamshire Plan sets out the strategic vision and aims of the organisation. It lists our focus areas, priorities, and how these will be delivered to achieve those ambitions.

To help us develop our plan, we asked our residents, communities, businesses, and organisations to take part in the Big Notts Survey. Held during summer 2021, the survey helped us understand:

  • how the pandemic, lockdowns, and other restrictions have affected Nottinghamshire
  • our main challenges and opportunities as we recover from the pandemic
  • your long-term goals for yourselves, your communities and the county.

Over 12,000 people responded and using your input through the survey, and our own findings, we’re now prioritising these key areas.

A healthy, prosperous and greener Nottinghamshire

To find out more, visit The Nottinghamshire Plan: Our plan for a healthy, prosperous and greener Nottinghamshire.

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