Report a problem with an illuminated or interactive sign

Please use this form to report a highways lighting problem in Nottinghamshire.

Note: To report an issue with a streetlight, please use the report a streetlight defect form.

To report an issue with a traffic light, please use the damaged structures form.

If it is an emergency, please contact our Customer Services Centre on 0300 500 80 80.

The issues you can report on this form are:

  • faulty or damaged interactive sign
  • damaged lit sign or bollard/beacon
  • faulty lit sign or bollard/beacon

Trunk roads

Motorways and trunk roads in Nottinghamshire (A1, A46, A453, A52 and M1) are managed by National Highways.

Issues on these roads can be reported directly:


You will need

  • location details of the lighting issue

The map on the form enables you to select the lighting asset - e.g. bollard - with which there is a problem. You can use the search box above the map to type in a postcode or street which will zoom the map and enable you to locate the streetlight more quickly.

When you have selected a lighting asset, you will be told its exact location to ensure you have chosen the impacted light. 

Once selected, you will then be able to complete the remaining fields to tell us the specific nature of the problem.

Please give as many details of the problem as possible.

You can report a problem anonymously, however if you would like to receive updates (e.g. when the issue has been fixed), please provide your contact details. All information you provide is protected in-line with the Data Protection Act

What will happen next

All reported lighting faults will be inspected within 10 working days. How quickly it is fixed will depend on the nature of the problem.

Once you have reported a problem, if you provide your contact details, you will subsequently be kept informed of any key steps, namely: 

  • when the affected light has been inspected
  • when the affected light has been fixed
  • if the affected light has been passed to a third party to repair
  • if the problem is being repaired as part of our Highway Capital Programme
Report a lighting problem

Alternative ways to do this

You can also report a problem by contacting our customer service team

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