During the works
Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 gives us - as the traffic authority - the power to close or restrict sections of road to vehicles so that work can take place on or near the road. As long as the closure is undertaken using the appropriate legal order there are no legal grounds for us to accept claims for loss of trade.
After the works
Compensation may be considered if physical factors from a new highway affect a business or residential property lowering the market price of the property. The seven physical factors are:
- noise
- vibration
- smell
- fumes
- smoke
- artificial light
- discharge onto the land of any solid or liquid substance.
Further information
Further information on compensation is available on GOV.UK:
The guidance note should not be regarded as a substitute for professional advice. If your property is, or seems likely to be, affected in any of the ways described on this page, please seek advice from a professional qualified person such as a surveyor or solicitor.