Hucknall town centre improvement scheme

Hucknall Improvements Scheme

The Hucknall town centre improvement scheme will see the High Street pedestrianised between Baker Street and Watnall Road. There will also be new roads and junctions to reduce congestion in the town.

The scheme received final funding approval from the Department for Transport in February 2015. Carillion Tarmac, in a joint venture, are the main contractor for the transport scheme and started on site in January 2016.

The scheme aims to:

  • reduce congestion
  • create an attractive shopping centre
  • attract new retailers
  • promote the regeneration of Hucknall.

The scheme will also incorporate flood relief measures. The biggest element of this is the construction of a flood relief culvert under the new road.

The identified solutions will deal with some of the flooding problems that have been experienced in the town in recent years. The last major flooding event caused mass disruption to the Thoresby Dale estate in 2013.

As part of the scheme a new road from Station Road/Ashgate Road to Baker Street/Annesley Road will be built. The new road will be single carriageway with a 30 mph speed limit enforced.

This will allow a pedestrian zone to be created along the high street between Baker Street and Watnall Road. Delivery vehicles will only be allowed to enter this area before 10am and after 4pm.


  • High Street works start November 2016
  • New road opens to traffic 28 November 2016
  • High Street works complete May 2017.

Due to the opening of the new road, some of the  bus stops are being moved. Find out about the changes to bus services [PDF].


This work is being funded by:

  • Department of Transport
  • Nottinghamshire County Council
  • Ashfield District Council.

The total scheme cost including land acquisition is £13.5m. The vast majority of the funding is coming from the Department for Transport (DfT) who assessed the Major Scheme Business Case. We and Ashfield District Council are contributing the remainder.

The scheme was procured through the Midlands Highway Alliance Medium Schemes Framework.

Traffic Regulation Orders

To see all the details of the proposed traffic regulation orders please visit our consultations page.

Noise and secondary glazing

A number of properties within the town centre potentially qualify for noise insulation works as a result of the new road (Torkard Way) opening to traffic in November 2016 as per the Noise Insulation Regulations 1975 (as amended 1975).

Download the report produced by AECOM [PDF]. Please note only bedrooms and living rooms count as eligible rooms. Hallways, kitchens and bathrooms do not qualify.

A hard copy of the report has also been deposited at Hucknall Library.

A question and answer sheet [Word] has also been produced.

If you have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact Tom Boylan on because there is an associated deadline for the acceptance of any offer that has been made to qualifying properties.  This is either 6 months after the date of the offer is made to you or before 1 year after the new highway has opened to traffic, whichever is the latest.

More information


Tarmac have appointed a full time liaison officer to deal with queries from residents and local businesses during the construction phase of the project.

If you have any questions about the scheme, Harold Shaw has a drop-in office based at Annesley Road, Hucknall which is close to the works area. He can also be contacted on:


Alternatively please contact the project manager for the overall scheme - Tom Boylan, email:

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