Planning permission
Nottinghamshire County Council have been safeguarding proposals for a Gedling village bypass for over 50 years, and GAR forms part of the proposals for the A612 Nottingham Eastern Outer Loop Road. This has, with the exception of the eastern most section around Gedling village, been successfully completed by the Council. GAR will connect directly to the most recently constructed phase (the Gedling Major Integrated Transport Scheme) which opened to traffic in 2007.
The Gedling Access Road (GAR) was granted planning permission by Gedling Borough Council (GBC) on 23 December 2014, subject to 22 planning conditions. Condition 2 of the Original Permission was varied by application under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, granted reference 2015/0110. The variation was required to amend reference to approved plans and was granted permission on 26 February 2015.
Subsequently the GAR Permission was granted consent on 3 June 2016, reference 2015/1033. The GAR Permission is the consent that will be implemented to deliver the new road and applications to discharge pre-commencement planning conditions have been submitted to GBC and approved in December 2017. Confirmation of the commencement of development was made in December 2017 with the start of advanced drainage works around the perimeter of Gedling Country Park.
Planning documents
- Application 2014/0915 - Construction of a 3.8km long road linking A612 Burton Road and B684 Mapperley Plains Road (Gedling Access Road)
- Application 2015/0110 – Application to vary Condition 2 to allow limited vegetation clearance for gas main re-alignment
- Application 2015/1033 – Application to vary Condition 1 to enable the continuous construction of the road with a simultaneous end date for Phase 1 and Phase 2
- Application 2017/153DOC – Application for approval of details reserved by condition, numbers 10, 16, 17 ,18 and 19.