Nottinghamshire Schools Portal

SEND Inclusion Service
We are a team of specialist teachers and teaching assistants with additional qualifications and extensive experience in working with children and young people with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) aged from 0-19.
Teaching, advice, support and training for pupils with the most complex needs, and for the staff who work with them, is available free of charge to all Nottinghamshire schools, including academies and PVI settings. Delegates will incur a nominal charge to cover the cost of the training venue. Schools can also purchase a range of training and consultancy services which can be tailored to meet individual requirements.
This offer includes:
- Training and consultancy on the educational implications of a range of SEND including autism, dyslexia, deaf or sight impairment, speech, language and communication needs, Down Syndrome, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), acquired brain injury (ABI); dyscalculia, profound and multiple learning needs.
- Assessment and target setting for pupils with SEND including training on the impact of changes to the pre-key stage standards following the Rochford Review, PIVATS, Portage (for very young children), specialist language and other specialist assessment methods.
- Working with parents and carers
- Training on the educational implications of a range of SEND to private and voluntary settings through the Training and Development Opportunities directory (TADO)
- Signs and symbols and other augmentative and alternative communication methods including British Sign Language
- Inclusive technology and specialist software for pupils with special educational needs, including sensory impairments
- Literacy and numeracy interventions and differentiation
- Ofsted planning, preparation and follow up in relation to special educational needs
- School self-evaluation of inclusive practice
- Transition planning and person-centred approaches
- Environmental audits for pupils with a sensory impairment
Our staff are highly qualified and experienced and are deeply committed to high standards and improving life outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs.
We are a Nottinghamshire based service, with understanding and experience of the local context, and its particular issues and challenges. This helps us to support you more effectively.
Our service is professional, reliable, flexible and provides excellent value for money and we are nationally recognised for our work in a number of areas, including acquired brain injury, autism, dyslexia, speech, language and communication needs and SEND in early years.
For further information on costs, please contact us directly.
SEND Inclusion Service Contact
Communication & Interaction and Cognition & Learning Teams
0115 854 6464
Early Years and Hearing & Vision Specialist Support Teams
0115 804 1232
Services For Schools
- 0300 500 80 80