The Nottinghamshire SEND Local Area Partnership would welcome the views of parents and carers who access Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) services for their children and young people aged 0-25.
The feedback is essential to enable us to develop services and provision for children and young people with SEND. The survey has been developed with the Nottinghamshire Parent Carer Forum (NPCF).
The views collected from this survey will be shared with the Nottinghamshire SEND Partnership Assurance and Improvement Group (PAIG) and will be used to shape future services and provision in the areas of education, health and care. The PAIG leads on the co-ordination of services for children and young people with SEND in Nottinghamshire and includes representatives of parents and carers.
- Open: 11 March 2024
- End: 3 April 2024
Take part in the survey using the following link:
SEND Parent and Carer Survey 2024: Have Your Say - Nottinghamshire County Council - Citizen Space