Planning process for shale gas development

The Environmental Impact Assessment

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a formal and detailed assessment of how a proposed development could affect an area and what could be done to prevent or reduce issues becoming a problem. It is prepared by the applicant, using information put forward by the local Minerals Planning Authority – Nottinghamshire County Council - in the Scoping Opinion. 

In the case of shale gas development, the industry has voluntarily agreed to submit an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to accompany any planning applications for new shale gas sites. 

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the planning application documents are circulated by the County Council to relevant statutory and non-statutory organisations with a likely interest in shale gas development. This gives organisations and specialists the opportunity to review the EIA and to make their recommendations to the County Council to aid its determination of the planning application.

Feedback and comments as part of the consultation period may raise additional issues that require further information from the applicant before a formal decision can be made by the Planning and Licensing Committee. The County Council will ask the applicant to provide additional information and will publicise the availability of the information to make sure consultees and people who are affected can review the documentation and register any additional comments.

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