Criteria for Community Commemoration Fund 2014-2018

Application guidance

Applications must be supported by the group / organisation’s local County Councillor and will only be considered if:

  1. Your group or organisation is based in Nottinghamshire and that the primary activity is
  2. That the group / organisation have a constitution or terms of reference – with bank
  3. That the activity is being jointly funded by other partners / funders – this can include actual
  4. That all contributions must be spent wholly on the activity applied for.The Community Commemoration Fund aims to offer financial support to local groups to bring the history of The Great War to life.

Groups or organisations that may apply include:

  • Armed Forces Society – for example Regimental Society
  • Church group
  • History or Historical Society
  • Parish Council
  • Photographic club
  • Art or cultural group
  • Schools
  • Community groups
  • Uniformed groups – cadets, scouts, guides.
  • Village hall or community centre
  • Youth Club.

Please note that the County Council Library and Archive Service will have records of the time for most areas and could provide a venue for local displays and exhibitions. Upon successful application, Nottinghamshire County Council will make a contribution of up to £300.

Nottinghamshire County Council will not fund projects retrospectively.

The closing dates for applications will depend upon the start date of the activity, as follows:

If activity starts between these dates: Closing date
Before 1 September 2014 Friday 23 June 2014
Monday 1 September 2014 and Saturday 31 January 2015 Thursday 31 July 2014
Sunday 1 February 2015 and Friday 31 July 2015 Friday 9 January 2015
Tuesday 1 August 2017 and Wednesday 31 January 2018 Friday 14 July 2017
Thursday 1 February 2018 and Tuesday 31 July 2018 Friday 12 January 2018
Wednesday 1 August 2018 and Sunday 11 November 2018 Friday 13 July 2018

And each year thereafter for subsequent years.

How to apply

Complete and submit the application form online.

To increase the likelihood of your application being successful, please make sure that your project is:

  • registered with Trent to Trenches
  • respectful and will have remembrance at the heart of the activity
  • educational to help tell the history of Nottinghamshire and local communities during The Great War
  • used to bring generations together
  • not held to primarily raise money
  • able to highlight the social and economic change of the day
  • about bringing people together and does not use images or language that could cause undue distress or offence.

Please check the guidance notes [PDF] to help you complete the application form.

Please note:

  • All applicants will be notified by email about the outcome of their request for a Community Commemoration Fund grant.

Contact us

For enquiries about the Community Commemoration Fund contact our Community and Voluntary Sector team on or 0115 972041.

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